Treasured Truth

May 26, 2019

May 26, 2019

Morning Meeting

  • Hymn 213 - On Calvary we’ve adoring stood
  • Scripture: Luke 23:32,33,39-46 We see three crosses here: one of rejection, one of reception, one of redemption. One died in sin, one died for sin and one died to sin. We also see a dying sinner, saint, and Saviour.
  • Hymn 85*- The cross! the cross, oh that’s our gain
  • Prayer
  • Hymn 105 - Glory, glory everlasting
  • Scripture: John 3:14,17 It was the lifting up that made Him the Saviour the one that though Him the worlds might be saved
  • Hymn 345 - B2 - A shameful death he dies
  • Breaking of Bread
  • Hymn 283 - When we survey the wondrous cross
  • Prayer

Children’s Meeting: Norman Burgess

Hymn 333 - Come to the Saviour, make no delay;


We’ve been learning about the extension of the church. At the beginning of this chapter we are in an assembly; not the temple or a synagogue. While at the assembly God asks the brethren to send Barnabas and Saul on a missionary journey.

Acts 13:4-12

We hear later that Luke and Mark also went with Saul and Barnabas on their journey. They start with going to the seaport of Seleucia and from there sailed to Cyprus. When they got there they went straight to the synagogues. You see Saul had this rule that where ever he went he would preach to the Jews first and then the Gentiles.

They continued traveling across the island; and on the other side they met a false prophet. This man was a Jew; so, he probably was brought up in the right way, but somewhere he messed up. Now he’s a sorcerer.

Besides meeting this man they also met the deputy, who wanted to hear the gospel. The sorcerer heard about this and tried to stop him and to turn him away from the faith. All the time Satan is trying to turn people away from the Lord. May we all be preserved from him. Saul rebuked the sorcerer and made him go blind. When the deputy saw that he believed in God.

Also in verse nine Saul’s name is changed to Paul.

Reading Meeting

John 12:23-36

We are the fruit of God’s work (dying on the cross).

A life that is pursued in this world will be lost. We can’t fully grasp eternal life. We began when God gave the command, but God existed long before. God was not made. He always was. God can give us eternal life. He had no beginning and will have no end. We had a beginning, but there doesn’t need to be an end. There’s a life that goes on with Him beyond this world. If we are born again we have divine life right now. But what are we going to do with it? It is a very serious question.

We might not get honours in this world, but we have a heavenly Father who will honour us.

After Jesus told Peter to feed His sheep He told him to follow Him. The path is following Jesus.

Compare John 14:1 with v. 27

Jesus told us not to be troubled, but He Himself was. He was going to do something no one else could ever do. He was troubled so we wouldn’t have to be. He knows what a day holds and that is a big burden.

God and Jesus made this deal in a past eternity. They planned a situation that would require a Redeemer. Jesus said, “Send me”.

We read of when sin came into the world and a couple chapters later we read of God repenting that He made man. On Calvary He poured out this wrath on the cherished object of His heart. Through it God was glorified.

Something happens here that is similar to what happened when John the Baptist baptized Jesus. Earth and heaven seem to far apart, but when you read about the Father’s voice it seems so close. He will glorify His name again when the barrier between God and man is removed at the cross. At Calvary the strong man was cast out. Satan is a beaten foe. This doesn’t mean he’s not doing anything, but He’s already defeated.

Hymn 234 Saviour, lead me, lest I stray
