Treasured Truth

May 12, 2019

May 12, 2019

Morning Meeting

  • Hymn 227 - Lord e’en to death Thy love could go,
  • Prayer
  • Scripture: Lamentations 1:12,13
  • Hymn 20*- Stricken, smitten, and afflicted
  • Scripture:

    • Isaiah 53:6a
    • Genesis 4:13
  • Scripture: John 18:4
  • Hymn 137 - O Christ, what burdens bowed Thy head;
  • Scripture: Hebrews 10:14,17-21
  • Breaking of Bread
  • Hymn 245 - On that same night, Lord Jesus,
  • Prayer

Children’s Meeting: Philip Burgess

Hymn 249 - One there is above all other


Psalm 91:1-7

The theme in this week’s Psalm is dwelling in Christ. It goes on to tell about the promises of one who does that. We could change the word dwelling for abiding; to be in communication and fellowship with Him. Today we are going to talk about staying close to Christ and how to abide in Christ.

The first was we can abide with Him is to realize our need of Him.

John 15:4a,5b

Jesus is saying we need him to live a life that’s honouring him. We’re all here because we had a mother. We needed someone to live. Like that we need God in so many ways. When Peter tried walking to Jesus on the water he lost his focus and started drowning. He cried out a simple prayer of help and Jesus saved him. To say close to God we need to realize our need and ask.

1 Chronicles 4:10

Jebez prayed and the Lord heard him. He realize his need. God granted his request.

The second way is to know his love as the greatest love. We know the love of a family but God loves us more than that.

John 15:13,14

Here God is expressing the greatness of his love and what he was going to do. Part of being close to him is to except that love. We’ve read about Jesus spending time with Mary, Martha and Lazarus. They knew the goodness of God’s love.

Romans 5:7,8

We see the goodness of his love toward us.

The third thing is influence of his presence. Sometimes when we have visitors mom and dad will tell you to be on your best behaviour. You have to act your best for that person.

Psalm 94:9

God created us. He’s able to sees us and hear us. He even knows our thoughts. He’s always with us. Because of that we should always “be on best behaviour” to honour him. Live your life to please him.

These are just a few ways to stay close to the Lord. We can honour him and be a blessing to those around us. Even when you are young you can enjoy the closeness of Him.

Reading Meeting

John 12:20-36

The Pharisees and some of the Jews were disturbed because Jesus had raised Lazarus from the dead. Other people were drawn to Him. The Pharisees began planning to kill the Lord once they learning that the entire world had gone after Him. But here we have certain Greeks who wanted to worship Him. They were Gentiles and it was not the time for Gentiles to be brought in. These Greeks seemed to realize the Jewish people were closer so they went to Philip first. Philip might have had doubts of his own because he went to Andrew first and then they both went to tell Jesus.

Jesus used this opportunity to introduce the aspect of Him as the Son of Man. Verse twenty-four bring out an amazing truth. “Except” here means “unless”. It is figurative language for what the Lord went through. He had sense of loneliness. God made a creature that wasn’t meant to be alone. We are made for relationships and Jesus was lonely for companionship.

“He and I, in that bright glory,
One deep joy shall share-
Mine, to be forever with Him;
His, that I am there.”

God made everything, but He still longed for relationships. He made us with the ability to choose.

Exodus 21: 2-5

In order for the servant to stay with his master and wife his ear had to be bore through with an aul. The Lord had to die in order for us to have a relationship with Him.

Dry seeds have life in them and it is amazing for how long you can keep them. The Lord had a desire to have those to whom He could really show His love. Even after He made everything there was still a void. The result of His action would be much fruit . We are the fruit of His great work.

We have a natural life and it’s not wrong. If we become sick we take medication. It sounds very strong to say that we should love divine life more than natural. But here the natural life is stunted but one day in glory it will be in full bloom. We won’t even have the same body. We will hate this life once in glory because of all its imperfections. But how are we supposed to hate it now? Maybe part of it is not living for self and pleasure in this world. Jesus thought of others’ needs. He was willing to go to the cross and now has a better position in glory. He is now the Most High.

Hymn 251 O Lord, how does Thy mercy throw
