Treasured Truth

October 21, 2018

October 21, 2018

Morning Meeting

  • Hymn 189 - O God of matchless grace, 
  • Scripture: 

    • Hebrews 1:1-3 We were just singing, “O God of matchless grace.” The Hebrews who were being address would have understood it. Time is divided in two here: “time past,” and “in these last days.” He is still there and we are accepted in Him. 
    • Romans 6:23 God’s grace though His Son, in whom we are accepted. We have eternal life though Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • Prayer 
  • Hymn 100 - Now in a song of grateful praise 
  • Scripture: 

    • Mark 7:36,37
    • John 17:4 
  • Breaking of Bread
  • Hymn 330 - What raise the wondrous thought,  
  • Ministry: Hebrews 10:1,12-14
  • Prayer  

Children’s Meeting: Philip Burgess

Hymn 219 - His be the victor’s name


Psalm 22 told us about the cross. Psalm 23 spoke of the Shepherd who cares for us, and a shepherd’s staff is sometimes called a crook. Today, in Psalm 24, we’ll see a crown. One day Jesus will rule as a king here on Earth, and Psalm 24 tells us why He is worthy to.

Psalm 24: 1-2. One reason that Jesus is worthy to rule as King is because He created everything. Revelation 4:11. Everything belongs to the Lord. He is the Creator of all, and sustains it all. That makes Him worthy to rule it.

V3. The hill spoken of here can remind us of Mt.Zion, spoken of in Psalm 2:6. Who can ascend this hill? Who can stand in the holy place? Verses 4-5 say that it is the holy, or perfect man. That is the worthy one. Who is that? It’s the Lord Jesus, who was a Perfect Man. He was perfectly obedient to His Father.

V6. There is a generation of people who will seek the Lord; people who want to be with Him. That generation is those of us who are saved. One day, we will rule in Jesus’ kingdom with Him.

Vv.7-8 tell us that the Lord is mighty in battle. He has won the victory over death for us. Hebrews 2:14. Jesus is the Victor. Even though He died, He defeated the Devil, whose power was death. His resurrection defeated death. He is no longer in the tomb! 

V9. A host is a big group of people. When Jesus comes to reign, He will bring us with Him. He is the strong and mighty One who won the battle with Satan; He is the Lord of Hosts. On the cross, He died for us. Right now, He cares for us like a shepherd with a crook. In the future, we will reign with Him. The Cross, the Crook, and the Crown. Although some of this is future, we can enjoy and be blessed by it now!

Reading Meeting

John 6:37-58

Last time we saw the difference between God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility. It’s something we can’t really understand. But those who come to Jesus are a gift from the Father to His Son.

Jesus set aside His own will to do the Father’s will. That’s the main reason Jesus came to earth. He said, “I have come to do They will, Oh My God”. This was even when He was presented with a cup full of our sins.

Verse thirty-nine tells us part of the the Father’s will. None are going to fall through the cracks. The verse says raise “it” up, looking at the whole, while verse forty looks at the individual. We are each individually responsible to see and believe. The Jews could see, but they needed to believe by faith in Who Jesus was/is.

Jesus doesn’t mention the cross at all in this passage, but we will be in that resurrection which is part of the Father’s will. There is no other way this could have happened besides Jesus taking our case.

In verses forty-one and -two the Jews murmured back. Jesus claimed to come from Heaven. But He was Joseph the Carpenter’s son, and He had been born of a woman. Legally speaking Joseph was His Father. Jesus became man so He could meet our case. He was found as a man, and became obedient unto death.

In the next verses Jesus repeats Himself. He tells them again that none can come to Him unless they are drawn by the Father.

Verse forty-five and -six connect back to Isaiah 54:13. Everyone must see the Son, but that Son has a Father. “They shall be taught of God, and see Him as the Father.” You wound’t get that type of language in the Old Testament. Jesus came to manifest God. You don’t see with your eyes, but by faith.

Jesus told them that Moses didn’t give them the manna is the wilderness. The Father gives true bread, though. The Father Himself enjoyed that bread. He then contrast the physical and spiritual aspects of it. Those who ate manna died. But it was life giving, and life sustaining. We “eat” the Lord for salvation, but He also sustains us as we go along.

The metaphor changes in verse fifty-one. The bread turns into flesh. Darby puts it as, “shall have eaten”. It only takes one time and we can have salvation. The Jews began wondering how He was going give them flesh to eat.

Hymn 163 Give us Oh Thou gracious Saviour
