Treasured Truth

June 10, 2018

June 10, 2018

Morning Meeting

  • Scripture:

    • Romans 4:24,25
    • 2 Corinthians 5:21
  • Hymn 67* - The perfect righteouness of God
  • Scripture: Isaiah 53: 5,11
  • 20 * - Stricken, Smitten, and afflicted
  • Scripture: 1 Peter 2:24
  • Prayer
  • Scripture:

    • Genesis 22:6,9-12
    • Romans 8:32
  • Hymn 227 - Lord, e’en to death Thy love could go,
  • Breaking of Bread
  • Hymn 121 - Glory unto Jesus be!
  • Ministry: 2 Corinthians 8:9
  • Prayer

Children’s Meeting: Norman Burgess

Hymn 26 - In rags and in ruins, all out and within


We’ve been looking at the start of the Church, in Acts 2. These Jews had become Christians, and started to do things differently then they had before.

Acts 2:41. Peter preached the gospel for the very first time, and 3,000 people got saved! We used to open air preach in Montreal back in the day, and I don’t know how we would have dealt with everyone if 3,000 people got saved at once!

It’s wonderful to get saved, but there’s more to the Christian life than getting saved. V.42. These folks got saved, and then continued steadfastly (persevered in Darby’s translation) in several activities. What does it mean to continue steadfastly? There are many people who used to come out to meeting, but don’t anymore. They didn’t continue steadfastly. There were many people in the Bible who had a good beginning, but not a good ending. Jonathan, for example, won mighty victories for the Lord. He also loved David after he killed Goliath, but only followed him so far. He stayed in the palace while his father was out hunting David, and eventually was killed in battle by the Philistines and his body was nailed to a wall.

Salvation changes us. How do we see the change in these people? They continued steadfastly in the Apostle’s doctrine, fellowship, the breaking of bread, and prayers. To continue steadfastly, we must also continue in these things. When someone gets up and delivers a message for a meeting, that’s the apostle’s doctrine. The reading meeting is the apostle’s fellowship, when we commune together about the Lord’s things. This morning we remembered the Lord in the breaking of bread, and on Wednesday night we have a prayer meeting. As we can see, these things have been going on from the very beginning of the Church. The word Mr.Darby uses, “perseverance”, gives the idea of continuing against difficulties. Though sometimes hard, it’s important to live out the life that Jesus has given us.

It’s very important to hold onto the truth, and build our lives on it’s bedrock. We can rest on it! God gave the truth to certain men, and inspired them to write it down so that we can now have the Word of God. The apostles’ doctrine teaches us these truths.

We can see how the disciples had fellowship with each other, and held these truths in common. They worked together to spread the truth, and bring others into it.

The Lord Himself instituted the breaking of bread just before going to the cross. He broke the bread (a picture of His body) and gave the wine (a picture of His shed blood); and we are to keep doing it in remembrance until He comes. So many years have passed since then, and yet some still persevere steadfastly in it. It’s blessed to have had it passed on from those older than us, and we seek to now pass it on to the next generation. We must realize that it’s important to us, but also that it’s very important to the Lord.

For prayer, the Lord doesn’t want us to just recite prayers, but to pray from our hearts. It can be praise, supplication, or even confession. We can have conversation with the Almighty! It’s amazing: He is so powerful, and yet He hears our prayers.

We will see how prayer was a habit to Peter and John in the next chapter. We are privileged to have God’s truth. May we be among those who are steadfast in the Lord’s things!

Reading Meeting

John 2

Jesus disconnects Himself from Mary. That represents the putting aside of Israel. We saw in the last chapter that Christ is the gathering center. We’re not an organization or a special church. It’s to the Lord’s name we gather. “For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.” (Matthew 18:20) We’re seeking to go on according to the truth with Christ as the center.

I believe the three days speaks of the resurrection. We know there will be the marriage supper of the Lamb with the New Testament saints who get to be a part of a beautiful relationship that goes on and on. But I think this weeding speaks of the millennial time. This is an earthly scene with those on earth after the Lord has taken His own home.

Wine is a picture of joy. Only the Lord can give true lasting joy. The original wine wasn’t sufficient. Wine usually takes a significant amount of time to make, but here it was instantaneously made. If this is earthly I wonder what the heavenly will be like.

What Jesus said to Mary may sound rough, but we can remember that when He was one the cross He made sure she was provided for.

The six water pots represent the people of Israel and the water represents the holy Word of God. They filled them to the brim, and when the drew the water out it was wine - good wine. Some people don’t believe in miracles and make fun of them. But John Lenex says that since He made everything it’s not really surprising that He could do this. May the water that we pour into ourselves and those around us when we teach it turn to the wine of joy.

Hymn 178 - Glory unto Jesus be!
