Treasured Truth

June 4, 2017

June 4, 2017

Morning Meeting

  • Hymn 257 - Himself He could not save
  • Scripture: John 12:24, 27, & 28
  • Prayer
  • Scripture: John 3:14 & 15 - The children of Israel had to look at the serpent on the pole to be healed. We must look to the Lord, who was put on the cross for our sins, to be saved.
  • Hymn 48 * - The Father sent the Son
  • Scripture:

    • 1 John 4:8 - 10 - The love of the Father, who would send His only Son into the world for us.
    • 1 Peter 3:18
  • Breaking of Bread
  • Hymn 37 - Th’ atoning work is done
  • Prayer

Children’s Meeting: Philip Burgess

Hymn 323 - There’s a friend for little Children


Proverbs 22:1, Ecclesiastes 7:1. Twice the Bible is tells us that we should choose a good name, rather than riches or nice perfume. What’s a good name, though? A good name is a good reputation. What do people think of when they hear our name? If we have a good reputation, people will love and favour us. Jesus grew in “Wisdom, stature, and favour with God and man.” People enjoyed being with Him because He was loving and kind.

There was once a Christian business owner who bought property, built shopping centers on them. He had a landscaper that he contracted to do the landscaping around the buildings. One day, he hired this man to do some personal work at his house. When he was finished the landscaper said, “Hey Jim, why don’t I just send the bill down to your office?” If he did this, it would look like a company bill, and it would have saved Jim some money. However, Jim told the man not to do it, because it wouldn’t have been honest. This was such a witness to the other man, that he started coming to Church again, and got right with the Lord. By being honest, Jim chose to have a good name.

When he became king, Solomon chose to ask God for wisdom instead of riches or a large kingdom. He had a good name as a result of his wisdom, and people came from far and wide to see him. In the end, he ended up with riches, too. Solomon had a choice, and so do we. Will we choose to do right, and have a good name? Jim chose to do right, and was a blessing to his landscaper. The disciple Thomas doubted once, and that decision has stuck to him. Do people think of us as good, kind, and sharing; or selfish?

Let’s look at some examples of people in the Bible who chose to have a good name.

1 Samuel 2:26. Samuel’s mother had promised him to the Lord, and he grew in favour with the Lord and with men. He behaved in a way that made others want to be around him. We must spend time in the Word of God and prayer if we want to grow in favour with the Lord.

1 Samuel 16:18. Here King Saul was being troubled by an evil spirit, and wanted someone to play music for him. Somebody knew about David and said, “I know a guy who not only can play well, but he’s also cunning, prudent, good looking, and the Lord’s with him.” David had made the choice to be diligent in practice and work, and because of that choice, people were able to talk like this about him, and recommend him.

1 Samuel 18:30. The Lord gave David wisdom, and he acted more wisely than anybody else. Because of that, he was able to be a blessing to others.

2 Samuel 23:18-23. This chapter is all about David’s mighty men, his brave warriors. Three of them that had burst through a Philistine host to get some water, because they heard that David was thirsty. They were powerful, knew what David wanted, and were able to do it. Abishai, one of them, killed 300 men with a spear. He overcame the enemy. The Lord has overcome our Enemy, but he is still around. We should each be known as a person who will stand against and overcome Satan.

Another mighty man, Benaiah, killed a lion, just as David did when he was out with the sheep. Benaiah was like his master, and able to honour him in that way. This act gave him a name among the mighty men.

So, the choices we make effect our reputation, and the name of the Lord. May we not choose temporal riches, but rather these other things that will benefit us for eternity.

Reading Meeting

2 Thessalonians 1:10- 2:4

It wasn’t unusual to get prayers from the Apostle Paul. He was a prayer warrior. We also have the privilege of praying for each other.

The margin say the word “count” can be translated vouchsafe. When you vouch for someone you say something on their behalf. The dictionary says it means “to guarantee”. So, it could read “that our God would guarantee you worthy of this calling”. It’s assurance. Despite everything they were going through they had a guarantee of being raptured to the glory. And with a guarantee there is no doubt. The Lord says we are worthy because we have taken Jesus as our Saviour. It is a blessed portion.

Philippians 1:6

God finds His good pleasure with our involvement. “Fulfill” could mean complete. God will complete His good pleasure and work of faith in us through power.

We would be wise to occupy ourselves with God’s goodness toward us. We all know the song “Count your many blessings”. We have been given a portion beyond the world. It is possible to enter eternal joy. Paul was helping them focus on God’s goodness to them during the hard times. He didn’t want them drawn away.

Lord Jesus Christ is the name above every name. It brings out His title and position. Lord is Master. Jesus is His name. Christ is the anointed One. Our responsibility is to keep His Word and not deny His name. If we take any other name, like the name of a church, we have denied His name. We object to having any other name. Also, as Christians, those who are the Lord’s, we shouldn’t do things that discredit the Lord, and His name. It is important to know that Name, and be found loyal to it, and all it stands for. We can claim it. The way we behave brings glory or dishonour to His name. This is a very precious prayer Paul prayed. May we go on as he prayed because it also speaks to us.

Hymn 91 On Christ salvation rests secure
