Treasured Truth

September 27, 2015

September 27, 2015

Morning Meeting

  • Scripture:

    • John 1:1, 14, & 18 - John begins with the eternal trinity declaring their affection for one another.
    • Psalm 88:6, 7, & 16 - We see here a picture of the Lord on the cross. The Lord, who was ever in the bosom of the Father (a picture of deep, shared affection) says, “Your wrath lies hard upon me.” At the cross, even though the wrath of God was being poured out on Jesus, God could not love him any more than at that time. His work there would glorify God. How precious!
  • Hymn 134 - Lord of Glory, we adore Thee
  • Scripture:

    • Romans 8:32 - He was in the closest relationship with the Father, yet He delivered Him up.
    • Psalm 22:1, 3
  • Hymn 261 - The Holy One Who knew no sin
  • Prayer
  • Hymn 27 - Lamb of God, our soul adore Thee
  • Prayer
  • Breaking of Bread
  • Hymn 145 - To God who gave His Son
  • Ministry: Proverbs 8:22-31
  • Prayer

Ministry: Luke Fox

Read Proverbs 8:22-31. Think about the eternal Being, the One ever by the Father, always in His bosom—the place of inexpressible light and joy—yet God sent Jesus to take our place. And there on the cross, suffering for us, He never had more joy. Well might we sing eternal praise and thanks!

Children’s Meeting: Norman Burgess

Hymn 338 - I love my Saviour, my precious Saviour


We’ve been talking about Jesus is my… Last time we began Jesus is my High Priest. Let’s continue that topic.

The High Priest went into the presence of God to represent the Children of Israel before Him. He also had the job of offering sacrifices to God. The Lord Jesus sacrifices Himself on the cross for us.

Hebrews 7:27

The High Priest had to come daily to offer up more and more sacrifices, but Jesus had to offer only one sacrifice once.

The last words of the verse are very important. “When He offered up Himself.” At Calvary Jesus offered Himself and was, therefore, both the High Priest and victim. This was very different from Aaron’s work.

When Jesus died, He died alone. When they nailed Him to the cross, he was a martyr. But on the cross He yielded Himself to the wrath of God and paid the price of sin. When He was taken down from the cross He was laid in the grave. Three days later He rose again and was on earth for forty days, and then ascended to heaven. What is He doing there? He is still doing the work of a High Priest. He is representing His people before God. All those who are saved are His people.

Hebrews 5:1-10

Someone with compassion was needed. Compassion is wanting to help someone, sustaining them, helping them. God sees us with compassion. He wants to help us.

Aaron was appointed by God to be the High Priest. Jesus was also appointed by God, after the order of Melchisedec. Melchisedec was the first High Priest of God. In Genesis 14, Abram was fighting with a group of people against five kings. When the battle was done, and Abram was returning, Melchisedec meets him. He came with gifts for Abram and the men with him. So a High Priest after the order of Melchisedec is one who gives gifts, sustains, and helps those who are hurting.

Eternal salvation goes on until we reach heaven. It continues every day helping and sustaining us. Jesus is after Melchisedec, who strengthened by the way.

Hebrews 4:14-16

Our Great High Priest has passed into the heavens. We have a High Priest who can be touched with our infirmities. We can meet Him at the throne of grace, the place of prayer, and obtain mercy. He is able to give, and give again, grace to help in time of need. We know Him as our Saviour, and it is precious to be able to pray and ask the Lord for help.

Hebrews 9:24

The Lord Jesus Christ has not entered into a holy place, temple or tabernacle, made by hands. He is in heaven representing us. He looks down and listens to us. He is in the presence of God saying these are My people. We can truly say Jesus is my High Priest.

Reading Meeting

Ephesians 4:7-16

In the first few verses of this chapter, there are seven “ones”. All of God’s people have been brought together in beautiful oneness. We are a network: all conected to each other and to our Head. We are one, though scattered across the whole world. And yet, though a unity, we are diverse.

Unity in diversity is all around us: there is the heat, light, and object of the sun. There is one egg, and yet shell, white, and yoke. If there is diversity in the effect—us—then there must be diversity in the cause—the Trinity. And yet, though diverse, we are a unity. It will take heaven, where there are no limits to our comprehension, to understand all of this!

The Lord has given gifts to us individually; and they are not just for the local assembly, but for the benefit of the entire Body. We need to have our hearts opened wide enough to accept all brethren; while having our feet narrow enough to walk the path of holiness. We can’t walk with the whole body, for they don’t all walk in holiness and morality; and some attached themselves to other bodies. We must keep the path of seperation, keep God’s word, and not denying His name.

And yet we must embrace all Christians, and use our gifts for the Body of Christ. One example of this is a brother among us who is gifted in presenting and writing truth, and other members of the Body wanted to use his material. At first we were resistant to the idea, but after consideration, we agreed. this brother’s gift is not just for the local assemblies: it is to benefit the whole Body of Christ. Those who read it may even be brought into the truth!

1 Corinthians 12:31 tells us to covet the best gifts earnestly. As our brother Mr. Heney asked once, “What are you putting your name down for?” Some may be obviously gifted, others maybe not so much; but all saved have been given a gift. We haven’t all been gifted to the same degree; but we all come to the assembly with needs, and we are all required to use our gifts to meet the needs of others. Some of us have great mentality, but more than that we need great hearts. Maybe we aren’t as gifted as others, but as Paul told Timothy, we must, “Do the work.” Why? For the perfecting and edification of the saints. We all need it, and we will be rewarded in eternity for using the gifts the Lord has given us. May He help us in it!

Hymn 341 — Jesus bids us shine
